Information session in Finland

Information session regarding innovation program took place on October 16 of 2020in Finland. 15 participants were gathered for the event at the Café Mokkasydän in Riihimäki, most from whom were entrepreneurs from Riihimäki region.

Reima Ojanen from RTOY said the welcome words and told about the RTOY services available for enterprises. Tiina Siika from Riihimäki Business Association described the current situation in the business sector. It is obvious that Covid-19 pandemic has made a major negative impact on the enterprises. E.g. the travel and event businesses are suffering badly from the situation. Luckily, there is funding support available for enterprises.

Leena Lemola from RTOY informed about BSR Interreg Osiris project generally and the becoming program(WP4)especially. She also told that the seniors are an important and growing customer segment that should be taken into consideration when developing new business. It is noticed for example that the seniors are one of the fastest-growing customer segments in eCommerce. They are buying particularly entertainment services, like concert and travel tickets. In the scarcely populated areas, the senior customers are buying also other services and products, and the average sum of their shopping considerably higher when compared to younger customers.

The attendants pondered in the workshop how to notice senior customers better in their business development. As a conclusion, it was mentioned that e.g. the marketing, websites and the premises should be accessible and new services should be developed for this group.