Second workshop on Knowledge Management model making Tallinn, Estonia

Taltech (PP8) organized the Second workshop on Knowledge Management model making in Tallinn, Estonia on 17.02.2020 and it lasted fairly around 3 hours with one coffee/lunch break in between.

Aim of this workshop was to start analyzing problems found from the first regional workshop to understand how Knowledge is collected (detected), how knowledge is organized and assessed, how it is created and transformed. We mainly focused on 4 different problems relevant to Estonian RIS3 priorities.

In this workshop, we had 18 participants and we were working in one group where two moderators were organizing the workshop. They were collecting expert ideas and added information to the big whiteboard made of big papers. Having different academics, experts who are working with local municipalities and also for government and representatives from the senior population (member from Estonian Pensioners’ association) gave us very wide results and discussion on the problems.

The workshop focused mainly on the problems facing how knowledge is captured, organised, created and transformed in Estonia. Also which quardo-helix actor(s) is (are) responsible for each question what raised up through workshop. The workshop was smooth and had a very active discussion session.

Osiris Project