First workshop to start regional Knowledge Management Model in Tallin, Estonia

Taltech (PP8) organized the meeting in Tallinn, Estonia 29.01.2020 and it lasted around 3 hours with one lunch break in between.

Aim of this meeting was to gather information through brainstorm about different problems that Estonia is facing in silver economy eco-system and what could be possible solutions to improve the overall situation.

The 12 participants represented different views. We had one member from the ministry of social affairs, one member of Estonian Pensioners’ association, most of them represented academic views but because their field of research is so different it gave us good input.

The workshop had good results- we worked in two groups and both of the groups had a very different approach to the questions. We used the post-it method so that through brainstorm we got around 40 different keywords and then representatives from both groups presented what they had discussed. Through that, we found out that there are 10 main questions that we need to look into, choose the most relevant ones and go on with them in the next workshop.


